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Custom Application in IGEL OS 12

You can configure the starting options for an application that was loaded onto a customer partition once it is defined as a custom application. To do this, give the command to call up the application under  System Customization > Custom Application > Settings. For more information, see Settings for Custom Applications in IGEL OS 12 .

Menu path: System > System Customization > Custom Application

Custom Applications

To manage the list of custom applications:

  • Click image-20240716-112052.png to create a new entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112056.png to remove the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112059.png to edit the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112103.png to copy the selected entry.

→ Click image-20240716-135641.png to define the starting options for the custom application.

The starting methods parameters are described under Starting Methods for Apps

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