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Smartcard Services in IGEL OS 12

Smartcard services need to be configured in order to use smartcard readers. This article shows the settings options of smartcard services in IGEL OS.

You will find a list of supported smartcard readers in the

Menu path: Security > Smartcard > Services

Activate PC/SC daemon

The PC/SC daemon enables the smartcard reader to connect to the device, so that the smartcard is available to an application. This can be a server-side application where data is forwarded via an RDP or ICA connection or a local application, e.g. the browser.

☑ The PC/SC service is enabled. The card reader is available for applications. (Default)

☐ The PC/SC service is disabled. The card reader is not available.

PC/SC devices

List of smartcard readers currently connected to the device. Internal smartcard readers and a variety of USB smartcard readers are supported.

Refresh device list

Click the button to refresh the list of available PS/SC devices.

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