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Proxy Configuration in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to select the communication protocols for which a system-wide proxy server is to be used in IGEL OS.

Menu path: Network > Proxy

System-wide proxy configuration

Possible options:

  • Direct connection to the Internet

The endpoint device is directly connected to the Internet. No proxy is used. (Default)

  • Manual proxy configuration

You can configure one or more proxies in the fields from FTP proxy up to SOCKS protocol version, see Manual Proxy.

  • Automatic proxy configuration

The proxy settings are dynamically retrieved via a PAC file (Proxy Auto Config) that you specify under URL, see Automatic Proxy. For more information on PAC, see e.g.

Manual Proxy Configuration

FTP proxy / Port

FTP proxy server and port

HTTP proxy / Port

HTTP proxy server and port

SSL proxy / Port

SSL proxy server and port

SOCKS host / Port

Socks proxy server and port

SOCKS protocol version

Selects the SOCKS protocol version. (Default: SOCKS v5)

No proxy for

List of computers to which the endpoint device is to connect directly, separated by commas. (Default: localhost,

Proxy realm for browser

Area in which the browser authenticates itself for the proxy. Together with the user name and password, this information is necessary for authentication.

Use passthrough authentication

☑ The temporarily saved login information (user name and password) will be used to log in to the proxy server.

☐ The login information entered under User name and Password will be used to log in to the proxy server. (Default)

User name

User name for the proxy login


Password for the proxy login

Enable client-side NTLM authenticating proxy

☑ Client-side proxy is enabled. It stands between the application and the corporate proxy, adding NTLM authentication at the corporate proxy. The credentials specified on this Setup page are used. (Default)

Listening port

Port for client-side proxy

Automatic Proxy Configuration


URL of the PAC file for automatic proxy configuration

No Proxy for

List of computers to which the endpoint device is to connect directly, separated by commas. (Default: localhost,

Proxy realm for browser

Area in which the browser authenticates itself for the proxy. Together with the user name and password, this information is necessary for authentication.

Use passthrough authentication

☑ The temporarily saved login information (user name and password) will be used to log in to the proxy server.

☐ The login information entered under User name and Password will be used to log in to the proxy server. (Default)

User name

User name for the proxy login


Password for the proxy login

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