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In-Session Control Bar in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to configure the control bar for full-screen sessions in IGEL OS.

Menu path: User Interface > Desktop > In-Session Control Bar

In a full-screen session, the in-session control bar allows you

  • to eject a USB drive.

  • to start the wireless manager (only available in Appliance Mode).

  • to minimize the session view (not available in Appliance Mode).

  • to end the session.

Use in-session control bar in all supported sessions

☑ The in-session control bar is shown. Depending on the configuration, the in-session control bar will be permanently visible or will be shown as soon as you move the cursor to the top edge of the screen.

☐ In-session control bar is not used. (Default)

The in-session control bar is available for the following session types:

Start Monitor

The monitor on which to start the session window.

Using In-Session Control Bar

→ To eject a USB device, click image-20240613-074230.png .

→ To start the wireless manager in Appliance Mode, click image-20240613-074302.png .

→ To minimize the session view, click image-20240613-074331.png . (Not available in Appliance Mode.)

→ To end the session, click image-20240613-074355.png .

→ To make the in-session control bar permanently visible, click image-20240613-074418.png .

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