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Troubleshooting: User Gets Prompt "Need admin approval" on IGEL Windows 365 Startup


The user enters the credentials to start a session with the IGEL Windows 365 app, but the session does not start. Instead, a prompt informs the user about missing permission to access resources in the organization.

This behavior is the same for all users in your organization because the underlying problem is tenant-wide.


Your IGEL Windows 365 client app needs access to your organization's resources via the Microsoft Graph API. This enables the app to gather user information, like user pictures, and to control the virtual machine that hosts the session. For this purpose, admin consent must be granted in Microsoft Entra first. This involves providing the client ID, or app ID, of the IGEL Windows 365 app.


You must ensure that tenant-wide admin consent to the IGEL Windows 365 app is granted. Microsoft describes several methods; see Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application

For the IGEL Windows 365 app, the following two methods have been verified:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.