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Hardware Accessories: Dimensions and Weight

AccessoriesProduct without Packaging
DxWxH (mm)Weight (kg)

Passive DisplayPort-to-DVI adapter for UD3 (M340C) and UD6 (H830C)

260 x 40 x 150.050
Active DisplayPort-to-DVI adapter for UD2 (M250C)230 x 40 x 150.05
USB-to-serial adapter100 x 110 x150.048
USB-to-parallel adapter175 x 220 x 400.210
IGEL smartcard54 x 86 x 10.005
Smartcard reader for UD3, UD6, UD7 series80 x 45 x 100.022
Additional graphics card for UD7 (uses PCIe port)170 x 70 x 150.176
Connectivity bar for UD3 series incl. 2x serial port & 1x anti-theft USB port170 x 50 x 650.177
Connectivity bar for UD3 series incl. 2x serial port & 802.11 a/b/g/n WLAN (dual-band support 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz)170 x 50 x 650.183
Connectivity bar for UD6 and UD7 series incl. 1x parallel port & 1x anti-theft USB port170 x 70 x 550.207
Connectivity bar for UD6 and UD7 series incl. 1x parallel port & 802.11 a/b/g/n WLAN (dual-band support 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz)170 x 70 x 550.213
VESA mount130 x 125 x 160.315

Rubber feet, set of 4 pieces

38 x 38 x 120.014
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