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Configuring Other Identity Providers

If you are using a different Identity Provider that supports the OpenID Standard, you will need to add an Application Integration with the following parameters:

  • Type: Web Application

  • Proof Key for Code Exchange: Authorisation code flow with PKCE grant

  • Redirect URI:

  • The following scope and claim values must be supported:

    • openid

    • profile
      The following Claim Values need to be requested by profile:

      • name

      • preferred_username

    • email
      The following Claim Values need to be requested by email:

      • email

For the detailed description of scope and claim values, see the relevant section of the OpenID Connect Basic Client Implementer's Guide at .

With this configured on your Application Integration, you provide the following information in our  IGEL Customer Portal:

  • Authorization Endpoint
    The URL to initiate the authentication

  • TOKEN Endpoint
    URL to request a token from

    ID of the registered application in the IdP

    Secret of the registered application in the IdP

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