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Configuring the VMware Horizon Client on IGEL OS

Configuring Server Options (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global> Server Options.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Preferred desktop protocol

The selected option is preferred by the client when negotiating the connection protocol. If the server does not accept the connection protocol preferred by the client, the connection protocol preferred by the server will be used.

Possible values:

  • Server setting: The client does not provide the server details of a preferred connection protocol. The connection protocol preferred by the server is used. (Default)

  • PCoIP: The client tells the server that it prefers PCoIP as the connection protocol.

  • VMware Blast: The client tells the server that it prefers VMware Blast as the connection protocol.

Hardware video acceleration can be used for VMware Blast. Whether hardware video acceleration can be used or not is dependent on the device's hardware. If no hardware video acceleration is available, rendering will take place via software, without acceleration.

High Color Accuracy Mode

Enables H.264 encoding with high color accuracy in VMware Blast sessions. The Horizon Client uses high color accuracy only if the agent supports it.

On mobile devices that are running on battery, this feature might reduce battery life and performance.

  • High color accuracy is allowed.
  • High color accuracy is not allowed. (Default) 

Server certificate verification mode

Specifies what will happen if server certificate verification fails.

Possible values:

  • Reject if verification fails

  • Warn if verification fails (default)

  • Allow unverifiable connections

Action to take in case there are running applications from previous sessions

Specifies the start behavior of an  application-type session if applications from a previous session are still running. The session type is defined under  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [Session Name] > Connection Settings > Session Type.

Possible values:

  • Ask to reconnect to open applications: When the session starts, the user is asked whether they want to re-establish the connection. If the connection is reestablished, the applications running will be available. The applications will have the same status as when the connection was terminated. (Default)

  • Reconnect automatically to open applications: The connection will be re-established automatically. The application running will be available. The application will have the same status as when the connection was terminated.

  • Do not ask to reconnect and do not reconnect: The connection will not be re-established.

Kiosk mode

  • Horizon client sessions are held in kiosk mode.
  • Horizon client sessions are held in normal mode. (Default)

Configuring the Local Logon (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global>Local Logon.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Use local login window

  • The local login window of the endpoint device will be used to log in to the server. If you use the local login window, you can prepopulate login information.
  • The local login window will not be used. (Default)

Preset login information

Only available if  Use local login window  is enabled.

  • Login information will appear automatically in the login window. With Type, you can specify the source of the login information. (Default)


Only available if  Use local login window  is enabled.

  • Set user/domain from last login: The login information from the last session will appear automatically in the login window. (Default)

  • Set user/domain from session setup: Session-specific login information will appear automatically in the login window. The session-specific login information is described under Connection Settings > [session name] > Connection Settings.

Show domain

  • The domain will be shown in the login window. (Default)

Relaunch mode

  • The login window is shown in relaunch mode and cannot be closed.
  • The login window is not shown in relaunch mode. (Default)

Exit on disconnect or when an error occurs

  • The session will be ended completely when the connection is terminated.
  • The connection overview will be shown when the connection is terminated. (Default)

Show domain

  • The domain will be shown in the login window. (Default)

Relaunch mode

  • The login window is shown in relaunch mode and cannot be closed.
  • The login window is not shown in relaunch mode. (Default)

Exit on disconnect or when an error occurs

  • The session will be ended completely when the connection is terminated.
  • The connection overview will be shown when the connection is terminated. (Default)


Defines one or more domains under which the user can log in.

→ Click  image-20240612-124453.png to add a new domain.

→ Click image-20240612-124511.png to remove the selected domain.

→ Click image-20240612-124533.png to edit the selected domain. 

→ Click image-20240612-124551.png to copy the selected domain.

Configuring the Window (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Window.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Window size

Specifies the width and height of the window.

Possible options:

  • full-screen: The session is shown on the full screen. The  device's taskbar is not visible. (Default)

  • Numeric details, e.g. 1280x1024: The session is shown in the selected resolution or on the selected percentage of the screen area.

Multimonitor full-screen mode

Specifies how the session window is distributed across multiple screens.

  • Restrict full-screen session to one monitor (Default)

  • Display full-screen session on all monitors

Configuring the Keyboard Settings (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Keyboard.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.


Possible options:

  • on: The clipboard of the device is redirected to the session. 

  • off: The clipboard is not redirected. 

Configuring USB Redirection (Global)

You can enable and configure USB redirection for specific devices. A USB composite device can be split into its components (interfaces). Example: A USB dictation device that is split into the components loudspeaker, microphone, storage device/drive, and control buttons.

Ensure that the power supplied by the USB connection is adequate for the device.

If USB redirection is enabled, drive mapping should be disabled; see Drive Mapping. Otherwise, USB redirection can cause a storage device to be removed from the drive mapping. This is the case if the  Automatically connect when inserted option is enabled.

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > USB Redirection.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

USB Redirection

  • on: USB redirection is enabled,

  • off: USB redirection is disabled  (Default)

Default rule: This rule will apply if no special rule was configured for a class or a device.

  • Allow

  • Deny

To secure your endpoint, it is generally recommended to set  Default rule  to  Deny  and to configure  Allow  rules only for the required USB devices and USB device classes. 

Creating a Class Rule

  1. To create a new rule, click image-20240612-124651.png in the Class Rules area.

  2. Choose a  Rule. The rule specifies whether the use of the device class defined here is allowed or denied.

  3. Under  Family, select the class of device for which the rule should apply. Examples:  AudioPrinter, Smartcard, Storage Devices.

  4. Under  Name, give a name for the rule.

  5. Click on  Confirm.

Creating a Device Rule

When a rule is defined, at least one of the properties Vendor ID  or  Product ID must be given.

  1. To create a new rule, click image-20240612-124719.png in the Device Rules  area.

  2. Choose a  Rule. The following rules are available:

    • Deny: The device will not be redirected via USB redirection.

    • Allow: The device will be redirected via USB redirection.

    • Split: A USB composite device will automatically be split into its individual components (interfaces).

    • No auto-split: A USB composite device will not be split.

  3. Provide the  Vendor ID  of the device as a hexadecimal value.

  4. Provide the  Product ID  of the device as a hexadecimal value. The product ID can contain asterisks '*', each asterisk representing one hexadecimal digit. If the field is left empty, any product ID is matched.

Getting USB Device Information

To find out the Class IDSubclass IDVendor ID and Product ID of the connected USB device, you can use the  System Information tool.

  1. In the local Setup of the device, go to image-2023-3-9_10-15-7-20240710-072755.png > image-2023-3-9_10-20-9-20240710-072845.png > System Information.


  2. Select USB Devices.


Alternatively, you can use the command lsusb (or lsusb | grep -i [search term]) in the terminal.



  1. Only for USB composite devices: Under  Interface Exclude List, enter a list of interfaces that are to be excluded from USB redirection.  The individual interfaces are separated by spaces. Example: "0 1".

  2. Under  Name, give a name for the rule.

  3. Click on  Confirm.

Automatically connect at startup

  • USB devices that were inserted before the start of the session are available in the session. (Default)

Automatically connect when inserted

  •  USB devices that are inserted during the session are available in the session. (Default)

Automatic splitting of composite USB devices

  • A USB composite device will automatically be split into its individual components (interfaces). The class rules will be applied to these individual devices.
  • The device will not be split into its components. 

Configuring Serial Port Redirection (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Serial Port Redirection.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Serial Port Redirection

With the serial port redirection feature, you can redirect locally connected serial (/dev/ttyS) ports, such as built-in RS232 ports or USB-to-Serial adapters, to their RDS-hosted desktops.

  • on: The serial port is redirected.

  • off:  The serial port is not redirected.

Configuring Predefined Drive Mapping (Global)

You can make specific directories on USB storage devices available to your Horizon session. These directories will appear in the session, in addition to the drives that are mapped automatically (provided that Devices > Storage Devices > Storage Hotplug > Enable dynamic client drive mapping is enabled). Please note that Devices > Storage Devices > Storage Hotplug > Enable dynamic client drive mapping must be enabled to allow for predefined drive mapping.

You can define specific directories on a local drive that should be mapped.

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Drive Mapping.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Enable Drive Mapping

  •  Drive mapping is enabled. (Default)

Before you unplug a hotplug storage device from the endpoint device, you must safely remove it. Otherwise, data on the hotplug storage device can be damaged. Depending on the configuration, there are one or several possibilities to safely remove a hotplug storage device:

  • Click on image-20240612-124901.png in the taskbar. The taskbar is not available in a fullscreen session.

  • Click on image-20240612-124906.png in the in-session control bar. Depending on the configuration, the in-session control bar may be available in a fullscreen session. 

  • Function  Accessories > Safely Remove Hardware  with further starting possibilities; amongst other things, a hotkey can be defined here.

    If the following warning is displayed:  Volume(s) still in use. Don't remove the device, then the hotplug storage device must not be removed. First, exit the program concerned or close all files or directories that reside on the hotplug storage device.

Maping a Specific Directory

  1. Click image-20240612-124919.png Add  to bring up the mapping window.

  2. Click Enabled to enable the drive connection.

  3. Provide the  Local Drive Path  of the local directory to which the mapping is to refer.

Configuring Multimedia (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Multimedia.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

VMware Multimedia Redirection

Possible values:

  • off: The server renders the multimedia data and sends the individual images to the client. (Default)

  • on: The client renders the multimedia data supplied by the server.

Real Time Audio Video (RTAV)

Specifies the redirection of video data from the client USB webcam.

Possible values:

  • off: The client does not forward the webcam data as video data. (Default)

With USB redirection, data from the webcam can be forwarded to the server even if RTAV is disabled.

  • On: The client forwards the webcam data as video data.

Configuring Performance Settings (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Performance.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

PCoIP client-side image cache size

Specifies the size of the cache for images. Caching parts of the display reduces the amount of data to be transferred. (Minimum: 50 MB; maximum: 300 MB; default: 50 MB)

Larger cache sizes of 250 MB or more should only be used if at least 2 GB RAM or more is available.

Configuring Smartcard Access (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Smartcard.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Enable Horizon login via PKCS11

  • The user can log in to a Horizon session via PKCS11. (Default)

Configuring Skype for Business (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Unified Communications > Skype for Business.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Server and Network Requirements

Skype for Business optimization requires additional configuration on the server side. For more information, see the VMware article  Configuring VMware Virtualization Pack for Skype for Business.

Virtualization Pack Skype for Business

  • The Virtualization Pack Skype for Business is active. (Default)

Configuring HTML5 and Microsoft Teams Optimization (Global)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Unified Communications > VDI Solutions.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

HTML5 multimedia redirection

Server and Browser Requirements

HTML5 multimedia redirection requires additional configuration on the server side. For more information, see the VMware article Configuring HTML5 Multimedia Redirection.

  • HTML5 multimedia content is redirected from a remote desktop to the endpoint devices. (Default)

Microsoft Teams optimization

Server and Network Requirements

Microsoft Teams optimization requires additional configuration on the server side. For more information, see the VMware articles Microsoft Teams Optimization with VMware Horizon  and Configuring Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams.

  •  The audio and video streams for Microsoft Teams are redirected to the endpoint devices. Audio and video data are not processed by the server. (Default)

Configuring the Connection Settings (Session Specific)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [session name] > Connections Settings.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Server URL:

URL of the VMware Horizon server.

Preferred desktop protocol

The selected option is preferred by the client when negotiating the connection protocol.

Possible values:

  • Global setting (default)

  • Server setting

  • RDP

  • PCoIP

  • VMWare Blast

Enable kiosk mode

  • Global setting (default)

  • On: The Horizon client is run in a non-interactive mode that is suitable for kiosk mode operation.

  • Off

Session type

Specifies whether the session contains a desktop or an individual application.

Possible values:

  • Desktop: The session contains a desktop. (Default)

  • Application: The session contains an individual application.

Desktop name

Specifies a name for the desktop. This option is available if   Session Type   is set to “Desktop”.


The name of the application that is launched during the session. This option is available if  Session Type  is set to “Application”.

Use passthrough authentication for this session

  • The username and password are temporarily saved and used for authentication purposes in this session.
  • Passthrough authentication is not used. (Default)


User name

User name when logging on to the VMware Horizon server

User password

Password when logging on to the VMware Horizon server


Domain when logging on to the VMware Horizon server


  • When the session starts, the connection to the desktop or application will automatically be established. For this to be possible, the name of the desktop or application must be defined.
  • When the session starts, the overview will be shown. (Default)

Configuring the Window Settings (Session Specific)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [session name] > Window.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Window size

Specifies the width and height of the window.

Possible values:

  • Global setting: The window size is carried over from the global settings for Horizon Client sessions, see Window.

  • full-screen: The session is shown on the full screen.

  • user selection

  • Numeric details: The session is shown in the selected resolution or on the selected percentage of the screen area.

Start monitor

Specifies the monitor on which the session is shown.

Configuring Drive Mapping and Redirection (Session Specific)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [session name] > Mapping.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Drive Mapping

Possible options:

  • Global setting: The setting Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Drive Mapping > Enable drive mapping will be used.

  • on

  • off


Possible options:

  • Global setting: The setting Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Keyboard > Clipboard will be used.

  • on

  • off

USB Redirection

If the global setting Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > USB Redirection > USB Redirection is disabled, USB redirection can not be enabled on a session-specific basis.

Possible options:

  • Global setting: The setting Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > USB Redirection > USB Redirection will be used.

  • off

Configuring Multimedia Settings (Session Specific)

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [session name] > Multimedia.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Multimedia Redirection

If the global setting Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Multimedia > VMware Multimedia Redirection is disabled, multimedia redirection can not be enabled on a session-specific basis.

Possible options:

  • Global setting: The setting Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Multimedia > VMware Multimedia Redirection will be used.

  • off

Configuring Proxy Settings (Session Specific)

You can configure the use of a proxy for the connection between the client and server.

  1. In the profile configurator, go to  Apps > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [session name] > Proxy.

  2. Edit the settings according to your needs. The parameters are described in the following.

Proxy configuration

Possible options:

  • Direct connection to the Internet: No proxy will be used.

  • Manual proxy configuration: The proxy is configured with the following settings.

  • System-wide proxy configuration: The proxy configured under Network > Proxy is configured.

HTTP proxy

URL of the proxy for HTTP.


Port of the proxy for HTTP.

SSL proxy

URL of the proxy for SSL.


Port of the proxy for SSL.

SOCKS host

URL of the proxy for SOCKS.


Port of the proxy for SOCKS.

SOCKS protocol version

Version of the SOCKS protocol used.

Possible options:

  • SOCKS v4

  • SOCKS v5 (default)

No proxy for

List of URLs for which no proxy is to be used (separated by commas).

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