Getting Started with Cisco Jabber VDI (JVDI) on IGEL OS
As Cisco Jabber VDI (JVDI) handles multimedia redirection but is not a standalone application, it cannot be used on its own. At least one of the following apps must be installed and configured as well:
Citrix Workspace app
VMware Horizon Client
Disabling or Enabling the Plugin
In the profile configurator, go to Apps > Cisco JVDI > Plugins.
Change the settings as required.
A dongle must be used if delivered with a device (e.g. with a headset, etc.).
Cisco JVDI for Citrix Workspace App
The Cisco JVDI plugin is enabled in Citrix sessions. (Default)
The Cisco JVDI plugin is disabled in Citrix sessions.
Cisco JVDI for VMware Horizon
The Cisco JVDI plugin is enabled in VMware Horizon sessions. (Default)
The Cisco JVDI plugin is disabled in VMware Horizon sessions.
Configuring Audio
In the profile configurator, go to Apps > Cisco JVDI > Multimedia > Audio.
Change the settings as required.
Default volume
The preset volume for the headphone in percent (default: 80). When a new device is plugged in, this value will be automatically assigned to all channels,
Default microphone volume
The preset volume for the microphone in percent. (Default: 80)
Default ring volume
The preset volume for the ringtone in percent. (Default: 100)
Internal sound card
Defines the sound card that is connected to the internal speaker; this will be used to play the ringtone. If you leave the field empty, the default sound card of the system is used.
Configuring Video
You can set the Cisco Jabber VDI Client to use the default resolutions of the camera or to use a user-defined set of resolutions. Separate configurations for cameras with and without hardware acceleration are possible.
In the profile configurator, go to Apps > Cisco JVDI > Multimedia > Video.
Change the settings as required.
Allow default resolutions
This setting is for cameras without hardware acceleration.
The default resolutions of the camera are used. (Default)
A user-defined set of resolutions is used. To add a resolution, click in the Camera area and select the desired resolution.
Allow default resolutions
This setting is for cameras with hardware acceleration.
The default resolutions of the camera are used.
A user-defined set of resolutions is used. You can add a resolution by clicking in the Hardware Accelerated Camera area and selecting the desired resolution.
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