Getting Started with Cisco Webex VDI on IGEL OS
As Cisco Webex VDI handles multimedia redirection but is not a standalone application, it cannot be used on its own. At least one of the following apps must be installed and configured as well:
Citrix Workspace app
VMware Horizon Client
If your users want to make audio and video calls with Cisco Webex, the following app must be installed:
Cisco Webex Meetings VDI
How to Disable or Enable the Plugin
In the profile configurator, go to Apps > Cisco Webex > Plugins.
Change the settings as required.
A dongle must be used if delivered with a device (e.g. with a headset, etc.).
Cisco Webex in Citrix
- The Cisco Webex VDI plugin is enabled in Citrix sessions. (Default)
- The Cisco Webex VDI plugin is disabled in Citrix sessions.
Cisco Webex in Horizon
- The Cisco Webex VDI plugin is enabled in VMware Horizon sessions. (Default)
- The Cisco Webex VDI plugin is disabled in VMware Horizon sessions.