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Getting Started with FabulaTech Plugins on IGEL OS


FabulaTech Plugins is connecting FabulaTech products with different remote desktop clients. As it is not a standalone application, at least one of the following apps must be installed and configured as well:

  • FabulaTech USB for Remote Desktop

  • FabulaTech Scanner for Remote Desktop

  • FabulaTech Webcam for Remote Desktop

How to Disable or Enable the Plugin

  1. In the profile configurator, go to Apps > FabulaTech Plugins > Settings.

  2. Change the settings as required.

FabulaTech support for Citrix Workspace App

  • The FabulaTech plugin is enabled in Citrix sessions. (Default)
  • The FabulaTech plugin is disabled in Citrix sessions.

FabulaTech support for Azure Virtual Desktop

  • The FabulaTech plugin is enabled in AVD sessions. (Default)
  •  The FabulaTech plugin is disabled in AVD sessions.


FabulaTech support for VMware Horizon

  • The FabulaTech plugin is enabled in VMware sessions. (Default)
  • The FabulaTech plugin is disabled in VMware sessions.

FabulaTech support for IGEL RDP Client

  • The FabulaTech plugin is enabled in IGEL RDP sessions. (Default)
  • The FabulaTech plugin is disabled in IGEL RDP sessions.


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