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Getting Started with FabulaTech Scanner for Remote Desktop OS

More detailed information about the function can be found on the Fabulatech partner site:


To use the FabulaTech Scanner redirection, the following apps must be installed and configured as well:

  • FabulaTech Plugins

How to Disable or Enable the Scanner Redirection

  1. In the profile configurator, go to Apps > FabulaTech Scanner for Remote Desktop > Settings.

  2. Change the settings as required.

FabulaTech Scanner for Remote Desktop

  • Fabulatech Scanner redirection is enabled for the sessions that are enabled in the FabulaTech Plugins app. (Default)
  • Fabulatech Scanner redirection is disabled. 

Include network scanners

  • Scanners that are made available to the device through the network are also redirected. (Default)
  • Network scanners are not redirected.


Set log level

Defines the degree of detail written into the log file.
Possible options:

  • Debug

  • Info

  • Warning (Default)

  • Error

  • None

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