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Can I Use Active Directory from a Remote IGEL Device?


My users are working from remote, so their endpoint devices are connected to the UMS via ICG. Can they log in to their device via Microsoft Active Directory (AD)?


This article is valid for the following environment:

  • IGEL OS 11

  • IGEL Unified Management Suite (UMS) 6.01 or higher

  • IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) 2.01 or higher

  • Microsoft Active Directory (AD)


You can use IGEL Shared Workplace (SWP); with Shared Workplace, users will log in via Active Directory, also if they are connected via ICG.

For complete instructions on setting up IGEL Shared Workplace, see Universal Management Suite > UMS Extensions > IGEL Shared Workplace (SWP).

For a quick reference, see the checklist underneath.


(tick) All relevant endpoint devices have IGEL Enterprise Management Pack (EMP) licenses.
To check this: In the UMS Console, go to Server [UMS address] > Devices > [your device] and scroll to License Information in the content panel.
For information on license deployment, see:

  • IGEL Subscription and More > IGEL Software Licenses Articles > IGEL Software Licenses How-Tos > Deploying Licenses > Setting up Automatic License Deployment (ALD) or

  • IGEL Subscription and More > IGEL Software Licenses Articles > IGEL Software Licenses How-Tos > Deploying Licenses > Manual License Deployment for IGEL OS.

(tick) The Active Directory is linked to the UMS.
To check this, open the UMS Console and go to UMS Administration >Global Configuration > Active Directory / LDAP.
For further instructions, see Universal Management Suite > UMS Extensions > IGEL Shared Workplace (SWP) > SWP Configuration in the UMS Console > How to Link an Active Directory in the IGEL UMS.

(tick) Shared Workplace is enabled on the relevant endpoint devices, preferably via a profile.
To check this, open the configuration dialog, go to Security > Logon > Shared Workplace and make sure that Activate Shared Workplace is enabled. Also, check the settings under Logout Shortcut Locations.

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