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Controlling the ICG Daemon

The ICG is started automatically on system boot and immediately after its installation. Additionally, there are commands to control the ICG during operation.

You must use Systemd or SysVInit commands exclusively. For example, you cannot restart an ICG daemon started with Systemd with a SysVInit command.

Although the commands return immediately, the ICG takes 10 to 15 seconds to actually start or stop.

On Systemd Installations (recommended)

You can issue the following commands as root:

  • View the ICG status: systemctl status icg-server.service

  • Start the ICG: systemctl start icg-server.service

  • Restart the ICG (after configuration changes): systemctl restart icg-server.service

  • Stop the ICG: systemctl stop icg-server.service

On Systems using SysVInit

You can issue the following commands as root:

  • Start the ICG: /etc/init.d/tomcat start

  • Restart the ICG (after configuration changes): /etc/init.d/tomcat restart

  • Stop the ICG: /etc/init.d/tomcat stop

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