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Limitations of the ICG - Unsupported UMS features

The IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) supports all features of the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) except for the following:

  • Universal Firmware Update over the WebDav capability of the UMS; FTP can be used as an alternative.

  • Custom Partition over the WebDav capability of the UMS; FTP can be used as an alternative.

For further information, see Universal Management Suite > UMS Reference Manual > UMS Administration > Global Configuration in the IGEL UMS > Universal Firmware Update.

Secure Shadowing

Secure shadowing over ICG is supported with UMS 6.03.100 or higher and IGEL OS 11.02.100 or higher.

Secure Terminal

Secure terminal over ICG is supported with UMS 6.04.100 or higher and IGEL OS 11.02.100 or higher.

With ICG version 2.x or 12.01.x and UMS version 6.x or 12.01.x, it is not possible to inspect the TLS traffic between any of the components. The inspection would break TLS and interrupt communication between the products.

As of UMS version 12.02, you can inspect the TLS traffic, see Universal Management Suite > UMS Articles > IGEL UMS Communication Ports > IGEL Universal Management Suite Network Configuration > Configure the UMS to Integrate Reverse Proxy with SSL Offloading.

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