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New Features 2.02.100

ICG Server

  • Added: Possibility to limit the maximum number of device connections. This limit can be administrated with UMS 6.05.100 or higher.
  • Added: ICG now reports the real name of the underlying Linux distribution to the UMS for display in the UMS Console.
  • Changed: Limited TLS version to 1.2 and updated cipher suite list.
  • Changed: Updated Spring Boot to version 2.2.8.RELEASE (embedded Tomcat version 9.0.36).
  • Changed: Updated bundled Zulu JRE from version 8u212 to 8u252.

ICG Installer

  • Added: Support for Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Oracle Linux 8, and Amazon Linux 2.
  • Added: ICG can now be installed with port 443 (or any other privileged port).
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