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Prerequisites for Installing IGEL Cloud Gateway

This article lists the necessary components for installing and deploying a working environment with the IGEL UMS (Universal Management Suite) and IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG).

Universal Management Suite (UMS)

Universal Management Suite (UMS) 5.06.100 or higher is required for basic functionality. If Shadowing or Secure Shadowing is needed, version 6.02.110 or higher is required.

Devices with IGEL OS

For basic functionality, IGEL OS 10.02.100 or higher is required. If Shadowing or Secure Shadowing is needed, version 11.02.100 or higher is required.

IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) with IGEL OS 12 and IGEL OS 11 Devices

If you exclusively manage IGEL OS 12 devices, you may not need an IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) between your UMS 12 and your devices, regardless of whether the devices are inside or outside the company network. Whether an ICG is required or not depends on your particular use case or policy. For details, see Universal Management Suite > UMS Reference Manual > UMS Installation and Update > IGEL UMS Installation > Installation and Sizing Guidelines for IGEL UMS > IGEL Cloud Gateway vs. Reverse Proxy for the Communication between UMS 12 and IGEL OS Devices.

If you manage remote IGEL OS 11 devices and want to manage also your remote IGEL OS 12 devices via ICG, ICG 12 is required.

If you manage your remote IGEL OS 12 devices without ICG and also manage remote IGEL OS 11 devices, you can use ICG 12 or ICG 2.x.

Please note the following, especially if you use any special policies or other components between the devices and the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) or the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG):

  • IGEL OS 12 devices use TLS 1.3
  • IGEL OS 11 devices use TLS 1.2

Linux Host


  • 8 GB RAM (recommended)

  • 2 CPUs

  • 20 GB HDD (recommended)

The ICG service requires min. 4 GB RAM, 2 CPUs, and 2 GB of free disk space (depends strongly on the number of devices to be managed). 

Operating System

The following Linux distributions are supported (64-bit variant):

  • Amazon Linux v2

  • Debian 11

  • Debian 10

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Oracle Linux 8

  • Oracle Linux 7

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 

  • SUSE Enterprise Server 15

  • SUSE Enterprise Server 12


For the communication between the ICG and the devices, a certificate chain must be provided. The requirements are described under Certificate Requirements and Recommendations for the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG). The different methods for obtaining the certificate chain are described under Installing an Existing Certificate ChainCreating Certificates from an Existing Root Certificate, and Creating a Certificate Using the UMS.

Please also note our Installation and Sizing Guidelines for IGEL UMS in Universal Management Suite > UMS Reference Manual > UMS Installation and Update > IGEL UMS Installation

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