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How to Update the IGEL Cloud Gateway

You can update your IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) from the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS).



To update the ICG, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the UMS Console.

  2. Go to UMS Administration > UMS Network > Igel Cloud Gateway.

  3. Select the ICG instance you wish to update.

  4. In the toolbar in the upper right, click the  icon.
    The update wizard opens.

  5. Enter the following installation parameters:

    • SSH host: The host the ICG is running on (Default: localhost)

    • SSH port: SSH port (Default: 22)

      The SSH user must have root access.

      Root access to the SSH server is a security risk!

      Make sure you disable root access to the SSH server when ICG installation has finished.

      As of UMS 5.09.110, it is no longer necessary to use the root user and sufficient for the ssh user to have sudo privileges.

    • SSH user: SSH user

    • SSH password: SSH user password

    • Installation path: Installation path (Default: /opt/IGEL/icg)

    • ICG port: ICG port (Default: 8443)

    • Path to installer: The path to the .bin file containing the installer.

      ICG installers are available under

  6. Click Next.


    The ICG is now being updated. This may take a moment.
    When the update is complete, the update wizard shows a success message.

  7. Click Finish to finish and to close the update wizard.

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