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How to Transfer the First-Authentication Keys to the Devices

To connect a device to the ICG, the newly generated credentials (fingerprint, password) must be available on the device side. In many cases, the user and device are in a remote location, which leaves it to the user to establish the connection to the ICG.

There are multiple possibilities to provide the credentials:

  • USB stick that contains the credentials in an XML file

  • USB stick that contains the credentials in an HTML file

  • E-Mail containing the credentials, created and sent directly from the UMS

  • E-Mail or printed letter containing the credentials; the credentials can be inserted via copy & paste.

XML file on a USB stick

To export the XML file from the UMS:

  1. In the UMS Console, go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration > First-authentication Keys.

  2. Select the desired password entries and click Icon Exportieren to export the passwords.

  3. Under Look in, choose a file path on your USB stick.

  4. Enter a File Name, e.g. icg.xml

  5. Under Files of Type, choose either "XML" or "HTML" as the file format.

  6. Click Save.

To retrieve the credentials at the device:

  1. On the device, open the IGEL Setup and go to Devices > Storage Devices > Storage Hotplug.

  2. Activate Enable dynamic client drive mapping.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Insert the USB stick you prepared earlier.

  5. Open a Local Terminal.

  6. Log in as user

  7. Run the command ls media to see removable media.

  8. Change to your USB stick with cd media/[device label]

  9. View the XML file with cat icg.xml
    The XML file contains all the data required for connecting a device to the ICG: host address, ICG server certificate fingerprint, and the password.

Now you can copy the missing certificate fingerprint part and the password from the terminal.

HTML file on a USB stick

To export the HTML file from the UMS:

  1. In the UMS Console, go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration >  First-authentication Keys.

  2. Select the desired password entries and click Icon Exportieren to export the passwords.

  3. Save the passwords in HTML format as icg.html on a USB stick.

To retrieve the credentials at the device:

  1. On the device, open setup and go to Devices > Storage Devices > Storage Hotplug.

  2. Activate Enable dynamic client drive mapping.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Insert the USB stick you prepared earlier.

  5. Open a Local Terminal.

  6. Log in as user

  7. Run the command ls media to see removable media.

  8. Change to your USB stick with cd media/[device label]

  9. View the HTML file with firefox icg.html
    The HTML file contains all the data required for connecting a device to the ICG: host address, ICG server certificate fingerprint, and the password:

E-Mail created by the UMS

To send an e-mail directly from the UMS, the e-mail settings must be configured correctly. For more information, see Universal Management Suite > Universal Management Suite (UMS) > UMS Reference Manual > UMS Administration > Global Configuration in the IGEL UMS > Mail Settings in the UMS manual.

  1. In the UMS Console, go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration > First-authentication Keys.

  2. Select the desired password entries and click Icon Mailen to create an e-mail.
    The dialog Send first-authentication passwords by mail opens. The e-mail body contains all the data required for connecting a device to the ICG: host address, ICG server certificate fingerprint, and the password.

  3. Enter the Mail recipient. To send a multiple-time password to more than one recipients, you can enter all addresses in one go by separating them by a semicolon ';'.

  1. Click Ok to send the e-mail.

Manually created E-Mail or Printed Letter

  1. In the UMS Console, go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration > First-authentication Keys.

  2. Select the desired password entries and click Icon Kopieren to copy the credentials to the clipboard.
    The data required for connecting a device to the ICG is in the clipboard: host address, ICG server certificate fingerprint, and the password.

  3. To send the credentials via e-mail, paste the data into an encrypted e-mail. To send the credentials in a printed letter, paste the data in your e-mail program or word processor.

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