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Deleting a Device Directory

→ Send an HTTP DELETE request to /v3/directories/tcdirectories/[id] to delete a device directory. The ID of the directory is passed as a path variable in the URL.

curl \

--request DELETE \

--header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=3FB2F3F6A089FE9029DFD6DAFEF146DC' \



→ IMI replies with a brief success message:

Code Example:

<code> 200 OK</code>

Code Example:


Code Example:

<code> {"message":"Deletion successful."} </code>

A device directory has to be empty to be removed. If you try to delete a non-empty directory, IMI will respond with an error message:

400 Bad Request



"message": "Directory with ID <77118> is not empty. Remove content first.",

"errorCode": "ITG-0A006",

"time": "2016-04-06T13:29:59.362",

"stackTrace": "[



Learn more about error codes and messages here IGEL Management Interface > IMI API V3 Reference

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