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GET /v3/assethistory


Gets the complete asset history of the UMS instance.

Resource URL


Example Request

curl \

--request GET \


Response Type

Returns an array of AssetHistoryResource.

Example Response


"assethistories": [


"historyId": 2,

"unitId": "000BCA050027",

"assetId": 49067,

"eventTimeStamp": 1500012051000,

"event": {

"identifier": "add_on_boot"




"historyId": 3,

"unitId": "000BCA050027",

"assetId": 49070,

"eventTimeStamp": 1500012051000,

"event": {

"identifier": "add_on_boot"




"historyId": 4,

"unitId": "000BCA050027",

"assetId": 49072,

"eventTimeStamp": 1500012123000,

"event": {

"identifier": "add"




"historyId": 5,

"unitId": "000BCA050027",

"assetId": 49072,

"eventTimeStamp": 1500012735000,

"event": {

"identifier": "remove"




"historyId": 6,

"unitId": "000BCA050027",

"assetId": 49083,

"eventTimeStamp": 1500012774000,

"event": {

"identifier": "add"




"historyId": 7,

"unitId": "000BCA050027",

"assetId": 49072,

"eventTimeStamp": 1500274346000,

"event": {

"identifier": "add"




"links": []


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