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GET /v3/assetinfo


Gets information on all assets known to the UMS instance.

Resource URL


Example Request

curl \

--request GET \


Response Type

Returns an array of AssetInfoResource.

Example Response


"assetinfos": [


"tcId": 47922,

"assetId": 49067,

"assetName": "Elite Keyboard",

"assetVendor": "Hewlett-Packard",

"deviceId": "034a",

"categoryList": {

"categoryList": [


"categoryId": 49068,

"categoryName": "Keyboard"



"categoryId": 49069,

"categoryName": "Human Interface Device"




"detailList": {

"detailList": [


"attrId": 49067,

"detailKey": "maxPower",

"detailValue": "100mA",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49067,

"detailKey": "speed",

"detailValue": "1.5",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49067,

"detailKey": "custom_productName",

"detailValue": "HP_Elite_USB_Keyboard",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49067,

"detailKey": "custom_vendorName",

"detailValue": "Chicony",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49067,

"detailKey": "revision",

"detailValue": "0121",

"detailType": "string"






"tcId": 47922,

"assetId": 49070,

"assetName": "M105 Optical Mouse",

"assetVendor": "Logitech, Inc.",

"deviceId": "c077",

"categoryList": {

"categoryList": [


"categoryId": 49071,

"categoryName": "Mouse"




"detailList": {

"detailList": [


"attrId": 49070,

"detailKey": "maxPower",

"detailValue": "100mA",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49070,

"detailKey": "speed",

"detailValue": "1.5",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49070,

"detailKey": "custom_productName",

"detailValue": "USB_Optical_Mouse",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49070,

"detailKey": "custom_vendorName",

"detailValue": "Logitech",

"detailType": "string"



"attrId": 49070,

"detailKey": "revision",

"detailValue": "7200",

"detailType": "string"






"links": []


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