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GET /v3/directories/masterprofiledirectories?facets=children


Gets information on all priority profile directories (called "master profiles" before UMS 12), recursively listing their children.

This method will also list priority profile directories that are located in the Recycle Bin ("movedToBin":"true").

Resource URL


Example Request

curl \

--request GET \


Response Type

Returns a list of priority profile directories, with their DirectoryChildren fields containing other objects.

Example Response



"DirectoryChildren": [


"objectType": "masterprofile",

"id": "72098",

"link": {

"rel": "masterprofile",

"href": ""




"id": "72101",

"name": "Basic",

"parentID": "-14",

"movedToBin": false,

"objectType": "masterprofiledirectory",

"links": [


"rel": "self",

"href": ""



"rel": "Parent",

"href": "root"





"DirectoryChildren": [


"objectType": "masterprofile",

"id": "72096",

"link": {

"rel": "masterprofile",

"href": ""




"id": "72100",

"name": "Important",

"parentID": "-14",

"movedToBin": false,

"objectType": "masterprofiledirectory",

"links": [


"rel": "self",

"href": ""



"rel": "Parent",

"href": "root"





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