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GET /v3/thinclients?facets=details


Gets detailed information on all thin clients.

This method will also list thin clients that are located in the Recycle Bin ("movedToBin":"true"), but you will not be able to call methods on those clients.

Resource URL


Example Request

curl \

--request GET \


Response Type

Returns an Array of TCResourceV3 with full details.

Example Response



"unitID": "00E0C514325B",

"mac": "00E0C514325B",

"firmwareID": "6",

"networkName": "ITC00E0C514325B",

"lastIP": "",

"productId": "UD3-LX 50cps",

"umsStructuralTag": "",

"cpuSpeed": 1200,

"cpuType": "AMD GX-412HC SOC with Radeon(TM) R3E Graphics",

"deviceType": "IGEL M340C",

"deviceSerialNumber": "14D3E3C02B16160323M",

"osType": "IGEL Linux 10 (Kernel Version 4.10.17)",

"flashSize": 1875,

"memorySize": 1705,

"networkSpeed": 1000,

"graphicsChipset0": "ATI MULLINS",

"graphicsChipset1": "",

"monitorVendor1": "Samsung Electric Company",

"monitorModel1": "SyncMaster",

"monitorSerialnumber1": "HMJBC00558",

"monitorSize1": 24,

"monitorNativeResolution1": "1920 x 1200",

"monitor1YearOfManufacture": "2011",

"monitor1WeekOfManufacture": "51",

"monitorVendor2": "",

"monitorModel2": "",

"monitorSerialnumber2": "",

"monitorSize2": 0,

"monitorNativeResolution2": "",

"monitor2YearOfManufacture": "",

"monitor2WeekOfManufacture": "",

"biosVendor": "Insyde Corp.",

"biosVersion": "M340C V:3.3.13-12162015",

"biosDate": "12/16/2015",

"totalUsagetime": "20",

"totalUptime": "1500380741",

"lastBoottime": "2017-07-18 14:25",

"batteryLevel": -1,

"id": "95",

"name": "ITC00E0C514325B",

"parentID": "-1",

"movedToBin": false,

"objectType": "tc",

"links": []



"unitID": "000BCA050027",

"mac": "000BCA050027",

"firmwareID": "6",

"networkName": "ITC000BCA050027",

"lastIP": "",

"productId": "UD2-LX 40acps",

"umsStructuralTag": "",

"cpuSpeed": 1466,

"cpuType": "Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU E3815 @ 1.46GHz",

"deviceType": "IGEL D220",

"deviceSerialNumber": "1502GVAAA2965",

"osType": "IGEL Linux 10 (Kernel Version 4.10.17)",

"flashSize": 1875,

"memorySize": 1894,

"networkSpeed": 1000,

"graphicsChipset0": "INTEL HD Graphics (Baytrail)",

"graphicsChipset1": "",

"monitorVendor1": "Samsung Electric Company",

"monitorModel1": "SyncMaster",

"monitorSerialnumber1": "HMJBC00558",

"monitorSize1": 24,

"monitorNativeResolution1": "1920 x 1200",

"monitor1YearOfManufacture": "2011",

"monitor1WeekOfManufacture": "51",

"monitorVendor2": "",

"monitorModel2": "",

"monitorSerialnumber2": "",

"monitorSize2": 0,

"monitorNativeResolution2": "",

"monitor2YearOfManufacture": "",

"monitor2WeekOfManufacture": "",

"biosVendor": "INSYDE Corp.",

"biosVersion": "D220-002",

"biosDate": "02/01/2016",

"totalUsagetime": "1739549000",

"totalUptime": "8856000",

"lastBoottime": "2017-07-18 11:55",

"batteryLevel": -1,

"id": "47922",

"name": "ITC000BCA050027",

"parentID": "-1",

"movedToBin": false,

"objectType": "tc",

"links": []



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