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GET /v3/thinclients?facets=deviceattributes


Gets the available device attributes. This request is available as of IGEL OS 11.07.100.

This method will also list endpoint devices that are located in the Recycle Bin ("movedToBin":"true"), but you will not be able to call methods on those endpoint devices.

Resource URL


Example Request

curl \

--request GET \


Response Type

Returns an Array of TCResourceV3 with full details.

Example Response

		"unitID": "005056930CAD",
		"mac": "005056930CAD",
		"firmwareID": "19",
		"lastIP": "",
		"deviceAttributes": [
				"name": "Division",
				"identifier": "division",
				"value": "First division",
				"type": "range",
				"allowedValues": [
					"First division",
					"Second division",
					"Third division"
				"name": "Country",
				"identifier": "country",
				"value": "DE",
				"type": "range",
				"allowedValues": [
				"name": "Location",
				"identifier": "location",
				"value": "Augsburg",
				"type": "range",
				"allowedValues": [
					"San Francisco"
		"id": "455",
		"name": "ITC005056930CAD",
		"parentID": "-1",
		"movedToBin": false,
		"objectType": "tc",
		"links": []
		"unitID": "85641000D308482019",
		"mac": "001558CDD1C0",
		"firmwareID": "2",
		"lastIP": "",
		"deviceAttributes": [],
		"id": "3610",
		"name": "ITC001558CDD1C0",
		"parentID": "-1",
		"movedToBin": false,
		"objectType": "tc",
		"links": []
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