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Listing all Devices

→ Send a GET request to /v3/thinclients to list all devices.

→ Don't forget to tell the server your JSESSIONID:

curl \

--request GET\

--header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=3FB2F3F6A089FE9029DFD6DAFEF146DC' \



The response contains a large JSON document, listing all thin clients and their most important properties. The links make further parts of the API discoverable for a client that spiders the interface.

Look up the format for a device resource here: IGEL Management Interface > IMI API V3 Reference

The last thin client entry contains "movedToBin": true, meaning that the device has been deleted and moved to the Recycling Bin. Objects in the Recycling Bin are listed, but you cannot update them or send them commands.



"unitID": "00E0C54DCB8E",

"mac": "00E0C54DCB8E",

"firmwareID": "21",

"lastIP": "",

"id": "27",

"name": "Front Desk",

"parentID": "-1",

"movedToBin": false,

"objectType": "tc",

"links": [


"rel": "self",

"href": ""



"rel": "Parent",

"href": "root"



"rel": "Firmware",

"href": ""





"unitID": "DC9C5207694E",

"mac": "DC9C5207694E",

"firmwareID": "13",

"lastIP": "",

"id": "6888",

"name": "UD3 M340C_Board",

"parentID": "15592",

"movedToBin": false,

"objectType": "tc",

"links": [...]



"unitID": "00E0C5080834",

"mac": "00E0C5080834",

"firmwareID": "2",

"lastIP": "",

"id": "6899",

"name": "UD10",

"parentID": "15592",

"movedToBin": true,

"objectType": "tc",

"links": [...]



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