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Sending a Command to Devices

→ Send a POST request to /v3/thinclients?command=[command] to send a command to one or more devices. A command can be one of the following:

  • reboot

  • shutdown

  • wakeup

  • settings2tc

  • tcreset2facdefs

The request body contains a list of API Objects representing the devices addressed.

To send the reboot command to two devices, send the following request to IMI:

curl \

--request POST \


--header "Content-type: application/json" \

--data '[{"id":"27", "type":"tc"},{"id":"72014", "type":"tc"}]' \



IMI replies with a JSON document containing a result for each device addressed:


"CommandExecList": [


"execID": "ID-PM-MH-WIN7-UMS-54530-1456839861871-5-0",

"id": "72014",

"mac": "00E0C561EEED",

"exectime": "1456845240566",

"message": "OK",

"state": "SUCCESS"



"execID": "ID-PM-MH-WIN7-UMS-54530-1456839861871-5-0",

"id": "27",

"mac": "00E0C54DCB8E",

"exectime": "1456845240560",

"message": "OK",

"state": "SUCCESS"




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