Custom Bootsplash in IGEL OS 12
With a bootsplash, you can show your company logo or a specific image during the booting procedure. The bootsplash will be shown instead of the console messages. You need to provide an image file for your custom bootsplash on a download server.
The file types JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, SVG, GIF, and TIFF can be used for a bootsplash. A total storage area of 25 MB is available for all user-specific images. The image is 800 x 600 pixels in size (aspect ratio remains unchanged). It can be positioned vertically and horizontally.
Menu path: System > System Configuration > Corporate Design > Custom Bootsplash

Custom Bootsplash
Enable custom bootsplash
☑ A custom bootsplash can be configured.
☐ No custom bootsplash is configured. (Default)
Custom Bootsplash - Server Location
Access method for the image
Possible options:
HTTP: Download from a web server
HTTPS: Download from a TLS/SSL-secured web server
FTP: Download from an FTP server. (Default)
Secure FTP: Download via SSH-secured FTP
FTPS: Download from a TLS/SSL-secured FTP server
FILE: The image file lies in the file system of the device, possibly as a shared NFS or Windows update. You can enter the location under Local path.
Local path
The path to the background image. The parameter is shown when FILE is selected as protocol.
Server name
Name or IP address of the server
Server path
Path to the directory with the image file on the server
Port of the server on which the service is provided. The field is populated by protocol specific default values.
User name
User name on the server
Password for the user account on the server
Custom Bootsplash - Settings
Custom bootsplash file
Filename of the custom image
Custom bootsplash style
Original (Default)
Background color
The background color of the bootsplash. Click the color preview square to open the color selector.
Horizontal position of the bootsplash image
The following applies: 0 = left-justified, 50 = centered, 100 = right-justified. (Default: 50)
Vertical position of the bootsplash image
The following applies: 0 = aligned on top, 50 = centered, 100 = aligned on bottom. (Default: 50)
Size of progress indicator
Valid range is 72-256. (Default: 72)
Horizontal position of the progress indicator
The following applies: 0 = left-justified, 50 = centered, 100 = right-justified. (Default: 90)
Vertical position of the progress indicator
The following applies: 0 = aligned on top, 50 = centered, 100 = aligned on bottom. (Default: 90)
Bootsplash update
When clicked the user-specific bootsplash is downloaded from the given server.
If you change the image file or even just one of the settings for an existing bootsplash, be sure to click Bootsplash update in order to regenerate the system files used.