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Partition - Configuring Custom Partition in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to configure options to use a custom partition of your own in IGEL OS.

Menu path: System > System Customization > Custom Partition > Partition

Enable partition

☑  The use of custom partitions is enabled.

☐ Custom partitions cannot be used. (Default)


Size of the partition in bytes. The number can be followed by a multiplicative ending, without a space in between. Example: "100K" stands for 100 Kibibytes, that is, 100 * 1024 bytes.
The following multiplicative endings are possible:

  • k for Kilobytes

  • K for Kibibytes (number * 1024)

  • m for Megabytes

  • M for Mebibytes (number * 1024 * 1024)

  • g for Gigabytes

  • G for Gibibytes (number * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)

Sensible values are for example "100K" (for 100 KiB = 100 * 1024 bytes) or "100M" (for 100 MiB = 100 * 1024 * 1024 bytes). The size of the partition should be set to at least 100 KiB. However, no more than 300 MiB should be reserved for the customer-specific partition (based on the 1 GB standard CF used in IGEL Linux thin clients). This is because subsequent firmware updates may require more storage space than the current version.

Mount point

Path on which the partition is to be mounted. (Default:  /custom)

Partitions Parameters

You can enter name value pairs which are passed on to the custom partition for further processing.
To manage the list:

  • Click image-20240716-112052.png to create a new entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112056.png to remove the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112059.png to edit the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112103.png to copy the selected entry.

Clicking image-20240716-111938.png brings up the Add dialogue, where you can define the following settings:

  • Name

Name of the parameter

  • Value

Value of the parameter

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