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Troubleshooting: Error Message "Problem with libva for Chromium 2.16.0 BUILD 3.0 RC1" after Reboot


  • A version of IGEL OS between 12.3.0 and 12.4.1 is installed on the device

  • The Chromium app is installed on the device

  • The app "libva for Chromium" is not assigned to the device

  • Automatic update on boot is enabled on the device (System > Update > Check for and download updates for non pinned apps on boot or System > Update Check for and download updates for non pinned apps on given calendar time, use the crontab syntax to specify the calendar time)


On bootup, the device shows the error message "Problem with libva for Chromium 2.16.0 BUILD 3.0 RC1".

Background: Because the library app "libva for Chromium" is installed as a dependency app for Chromium, it has been updated to the version that Chromium requires, which is 2.19.0+0.1.rc.1. This version is supported by IGEL OS 12.5.0 or higher; it can not be installed with IGEL OS 12.4.1 and earlier.

However, apart from the error message, there should be no issue; video playback should work as usual.


There are three possible solutions:

  • Update IGEL OS Baye System to 12.4.2 or higher (release planned for the 18th of July, 2024).
    IGEL OS Base System 12.4.2 recognizes if the reason why the latest version of "libva for Chromium" can not be installed lies in other dependencies, like the Base System, and avoids needless error messages.

  • Assign the app "libva for Chromium" explicitly in the appropriate version

  • Disable automatic update on boot (System > Update > Check for and download updates for non pinned apps on boot or System > Update Check for and download updates for non pinned apps on given calendar time, use the crontab syntax to specify the calendar time)

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