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Guest - Passwordless Access to IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to configure a passwordless guest user with limited access to applications in IGEL OS.

If several login methods are enabled, the login method can be selected on the login screen:

Menu path: Security > Logon > Guest

Login as guest

☑ Pre-configured sessions can be accessed without a password through the guest user.

☐ The guest user is disabled. (Default)

Configuring Access for the Guest User

Each session can be made available for the normal user, the guest user, or both through the Registry parameters:

  • sessions.<instance>.login_method

  • app.<app-name>.sessions.<instance>.login_method

By default, all the sessions are available for the normal user only.

→ To configure access for passwordless guest login, choose applications which should be available in a guest session by setting the above parameters to Guest or All.

On command-line use nodelist sessions to get a currently defined list of sessions.

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