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Base Custom Commands in IGEL OS 12

The commands defined here are executed at the specific execution times during the boot process.

Menu path: System > System Customization > Custom Commands > Base

You can define commands for the following execution times:


The command is executed during boot, at the beginning of initialization. At this point:

  • Not all drivers are loaded, not all devices are available

  • Network scripts are not launched, network is not available

  • Partitions are available, except for firefox profile, scim data, ncp data, custom partition

Before session configuration

The command is executed during boot, before the session configuration. At this point:

  • Not all drivers are loaded, not all devices are available

  • Network scripts are not launched, network is not available

  • Partitions are available, except for firefox profile, scim data, ncp data, custom partition

  • Sessions are not configured

After session configuration

The command is executed during boot, after the session configuration. At this point:

  • All drivers are loaded, all devices are available

  • Network is available

  • Partitions are available, except for custom partition

  • System daemons are not launched (CUPS, ThinPrint etc.)

  • Sessions are configured

  • UMS settings are retrieved but not yet effective

Final initialization command

The command is executed during boot, after the initialization. At this point:

  • All partitions are available

  • All system daemons are launched

  • UMS settings are effective

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