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Domain Configuration for Active Directory/Kerberos in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to configure domains for the Active Directory/Kerberos configuration in IGEL OS. Up to four domains can be configured.

Menu path: Security > Active Directory/Kerberos > Domain [1-4]

Fully qualified domain name

Name of the domain

Domain Controller List

To manage the list of domain controllers:

  • Click image-20240716-112052.png to create a new entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112056.png to remove the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112059.png to edit the selected entry.

  • Click image-20240716-112103.png to copy the selected entry.

To configure a domain, proceed as follows:

  1. Under Fully qualified domain name, give the name of the domain (Kerberos realm).

  2. Click image-20240716-135702.png to create a new entry.

  3. Under Domain Controller, give the name or IP address of the domain controller (Kerberos Key Distribution Center). A port number can be added to the host name; the port name must be preceded by a colon.

  4. Click Confirm.
    The domain controller will be added to the Domain Controller List.

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