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DPI Options

This article shows how to configure DPI values for the display in IGEL OS.

Menu path: User Interface > Display Settings > DPI Options

Monitor DPI detection

Defines how the DPI value should be determined.
Possible options:

  • Off: The DPI value is defined by Monitor DPI. There is no automatic detection.

  • Smart (Default):
    The DPI value is defined automatically. With this setting, the user interface is readable also on monitors with very high resolutions, e.g. 4k monitors. The DPI value is set to either 96, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275 or 300, depending on which value is closest to the value calculated based on the monitor resolution. 

  • Pixel-Precise
    The DPI value is defined automatically. With this setting, the user interface is readable also on monitors with very high resolutions, e.g. 4k monitors. The value calculated based on the monitor resolution is used directly.

Monitor DPI

The DPI resolution (dots per inch) for your monitor. (Default: 96)
This parameter is only available if Monitor DPI detection is set to Off.

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