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Hotkeys configured for frequently used operations make it easier to use the device. A hotkey is a combination of one or more modifiers and an alphanumeric key. This article shows how to configure hotkeys in IGEL OS. 

Menu path: User Interface > Hotkeys

Editing Hotkeys

You can enable or disable hotkeys and change the keys used:

  1. Click image-20240613-075316.png to edit the hotkey of the selected operation.

  2. Use the Hotkey option to enable the hotkey.

  3. Select a predefined Modifier.
    A modifier is a key symbol or key combination. These are the pre-defined modifiers and the associated key symbols:

    • None: No modifier is used

    • Shiftimage-20240613-075352.png

    • Ctrl: [Ctrl] 

    • Win: image-20240613-075406.png

      When this keyboard key is used as a modifier, it is represented as Win; when it is used as a key, it is represented as Super_L.

    • Alt: [Alt] 

    Key combinations are formed as follows with |:

    • Ctrl|Alt:  [Ctrl] + [Alt]

  4. Enter a Key that is to be used as the hotkey to start the operation.

    To enter a key that does not have a visible character, e. g. the [Tab] key, open a terminal, log on as user and enter xev -event keyboard. Press the key to be used for the hotkey. The text in brackets that begins with keysym contains the key symbol for the Key field. Example: Tab in (keysym 0xff09, Tab)

  5. Click Confirm.

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