IPv4 Settings for OpenVPN in IGEL OS 12
This article shows how to configure DNS and routing settings for OpenVPN connections in IGEL OS. By default, OpenVPN uses the server’s DNS and routing settings.
Menu path: Network > VPN > OpenVPN > [OpenVPN Connection] > IPv4

Automatic DNS
☑ The nameserver(s) will be carried over by the OpenVPN server. (Default)
☐ The nameserver(s) specified under Extra nameserver(s) will be used.
Extra nameserver(s)
One or more nameservers, IP addresses separated by commas.
Extra search domains
One or more search domains, separated by commas.
Automatic routes
☑ The routing table will be carried over by the OpenVPN server. (Default)
☐ Extra routes will be configured.
VPN is the default route
☑ All the traffic is routed through the VPN by default. (Default)
☐ Extra routes will be configured.
For details on extra route configuration, see Network Route in IGEL OS 12.