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Options of Remote Management in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to enable the logging of remote management events in IGEL OS. 

The logged events can be found both in the UMS Console and the UMS Web App. For more information, see View Device Information in the IGEL UMS.

Menu path: System > Remote Management > Options

Log login and logoff events

☑ Details of logon and logoff events of the following logon types are sent to the UMS:

  • Active Directory/Kerberos

  • Single Sign-On

  • Local User

  • Guest User

Events are only logged if the Enable user logon history parameter is enabled in the UMS Console, under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Misc Settings. For more information, see Misc Settings in IGEL UMS.

☐ Logon and logoff events are not sent to the UMS. (Default)

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