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This article shows how to set up an optional proxy server for the VPN connection in IGEL OS.

If you use a proxy, set the Communication protocol to the host as tcp-client under OpenVPN > [OpenVPN Connection] > Options. For detailed information on options settings, see Options for OpenVPN in IGEL OS12.

Menu path: Network > VPN > OpenVPN > [OpenVPN Connection] > Proxy

Proxy type

  • None: Direct connection to the Internet. (Default)

  • HTTP: HTTP proxy will be used.

  • SOCKS: SOCKS proxy will be used.

Proxy address

Name or IP address of the proxy server

Proxy port

Port on which the proxy service is available

Retry indefinitely when errors occur

☑ In the event of errors, repeated attempts to establish a connection via proxy will be made.

☐ No further attempts to establish a connection will be made. (Default)

The following credentials are for the HTTP proxy type:

Proxy user name

User name for the proxy server

Proxy password

Password for the proxy server

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