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Active Directory/Kerberos

Menu path: Setup > Security > Active Directory / Kerberos


☑ The Kerberos basic configuration will be carried out.

☐ The Kerberos basic configuration will not be carried out. (default)

Default domain (Fully Qualified Domain Name): This value must match the Windows domain on which the logon is to take place, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM.

The value must be entered in upper case letters.

DNS lookup for domain controller

☑ In order to find the key distribution centers (KDCs, domain controllers) and other servers for a realm, DNS SRV records are used if they are not explicitly indicated. (default)

☐ The key distribution centers entered under Setup > Security > Active Directory/Kerberos > Domain 1 ... Domain 4 will be used.

DNS lookup for domain

☑ In order to determine the Kerberos realm of a host, DNS TXT records are used. (default)

☐ The details under Setup > Security > Active Directory / Kerberos > Domain Realm Mapping are used.

Obtain addressless tickets

☑ The first Kerberos ticket is addressless. This may be necessary if the client is located behind an NAT device (Network Address Translation). (default)


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