Menu path: Setup > System > Power Options > Battery
In this area, you can define the rechargeable battery messages.
Battery Notification
Critical battery level (percentage): Percentage of remaining battery charge deemed critical (default: 5)
Critical battery action: Action to be taken in the event of a critical battery level
Possible options:
Do nothing
Show warning
Run command
Run command in terminal
Critical command: Command that is executed when a critical charge level is reached (example: Shutdown)
Low battery level (percentage): Percentage of remaining battery charge deemed low (default: 10)
Low battery action: Here you can specify what action is to be taken in the event of a low battery level.
Possible options:
Do nothing
Show warning
Run command
Run command in terminal
Low command: Command that is executed when a low charge level is reached (example: Shutdown)
Battery Tray Icon
Display percentage:
☑ The percentage of remaining energy is shown in the taskbar. (default)
Display time
☑ The estimated remaining battery life is shown in the taskbar.
☐ The estimated remaining battery life is not shown. (default)