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Creating a Profile

  1. Create a profile that is based on the appropriate IGEL OS 10 version (10.05.800 or higher). Find a suitable name for the profile, e.g. "Firmware upgrade to IGEL OS 11".

  2. In the profile's configuration dialog, go to System > Update > Firmware Update and change the settings as follows:

    • Select "FTP" as Protocol.

    • Enter User Name and Password according to the update buddy server.

    • Activate Automatic Update Check on Boot.

    • Ensure that Automatic Update Check on Shutdown is deactivated. Otherwise, the device will shut down when the upgrade to OS 10.05.800 is finished.

    • Activate Automatic Buddy Detection.

  1. Go to System > Update > OS 11 Upgrade and change the following settings according to your successful upgrade test (for details, see Adjusting the Setup 3):

    • Activate Upgrade to OS 11.

    • Set Upgrade to OS 11 even if PowerTerm is enabled according to your needs.

    • Set Require an Enterprise Management Pack license to upgrade to OS 11 according to your needs.

    • Set Timeout waiting for OS 11 license to start automatic upgrade to 10 Minutes.

  2. Go to System > Remote Management and change the settings as follows:

    • Deactivate Display 'Apply changes' dialog on boot.

    • Set Default action on boot to Apply changed configuration immediately.

  1. Click Save.

When the profile es created, continue with Deploying the Licenses in Zero-Touch Deployment.

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