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Horizon Sessions

In this scenario, the smartcard middleware has to be installed on the virtual desktops as well as configured on the endpoint device side.

The View Connection Server has to be configured on the endpoint device side.

The View Connection Server has to be configured to accept connections via SSL/TLS secured https URLs. The root certificate of the certificate used for this service has to be known as the trusted root certificate on the thin client (see the how-to Deploying Trusted Root Certificates in IGEL OS, certificate type SSL Certificate).

  1. Select the appropriate PKCS#11 module for the smartcard under Sessions > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Smartcard, see Smartcard Middleware Settings for VMware Horizon Sessions in IGEL OS.

    For details on the custom PKCS#11 library, refer to the article Using a Custom PKCS#11 Library.

  2. Configure the Server URL under Sessions > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Sessions > [session name] > Connection settings.

    Start the URL with https://

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