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Apart from configuring network devices, ifconfig also gives diagnostic information such as RX bytes, TX bytes and dropped packets.

IGEL Setup >

> Disable ifconfig logging

true / false

By default Ifconfig logging is included in Netlog logging. However, you can disable it here.

IGEL Setup >

> Log only if ifconfig output changes


  • no: log on every netlog run

  • error_counter: log only if an error counter or the address changes

  • all: log on every change of ifconfig output

IGEL Setup >

> Number of Rotate files

2 ... 4

Keep up to this number of rotated files (also compressed), the current log not included (which is limited to 600 lines).

IGEL Setup >

> Logfile rotate size in MiB

2, 4, 6

Rotate when the size of the uncompressed file reaches this size in MiB.

IGEL Setup >

> Trigger tcpdump log

true / false

Trigger the saving of tcpdump logs if an error counter increases or if the IP address changes.

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