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Menu path: Setup > Network > VPN > OpenVPN > [OpenVPN Connection] > IPv4

By default, OpenVPN uses the server’s DNS and routing settings. Here, you can change these settings.

Automatic DNS:

☑ The name server(s) will be carried over by the OpenVPN server. (default)

☐ Extra name servers (see below) will be used.

Extra name server(s): One or more name servers, IP addresses separated by commas.

Extra search domain(s): One or more search domains, separated by commas.

Automatic routes

☑ The routing table will be carried over by the OpenVPN server. (default)

☐ Extra routes will be configured.

VPN is the default route

☑ The default route leads to the VPN. (default)

☐ Extra routes will be configured.

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