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Local Resources

Menu path: Setup > Parallels Client > Parallels Client Sessions > [Session Name] > Local Resources

Remote audio playback
Possible values:

  • "Bring to this computer": The device plays back the audio data supplied by the application server. (Default)

  • "Do not play": The device does not play back the audio data supplied by the application server.

  • "Leave at remote computer": The audio data will be played back on the application server.

Remote audio recording
Possible values:

  • "Record from this computer": The audio input (microphone) is redirected to the application server. 

  • "Do not record":  The audio input (microphone) is not redirected to the application server. 

Apply Windows key combinations for desktops only 
Possible values:

  • "On the local computer": Windows-specific hotkeys are used for the local desktop only.

  • "On the remote computer": Windows-specific hotkeys are used for the application server only.

  • "In full-screen mode only": Windows-specific hotkeys are used for remote applications in full-screen mode only.

Local devices

Connect local serial ports

☑ The device's serial interfaces can be used in the Parallels Client session.

☐ The serial interfaces cannot be used in the Parallels Client session. (Default)

Connect local smartcards

☑ The device's card reader can be used in the Parallels Client session.

☐ The card reader cannot be used in the Parallels Client session. (Default)

Connect local drives

☑ The drives connected to the device can be used in the Parallels Client session.

☐ The drives cannot be used in the Parallels Client session. (Default)

Connect local printers

☑ The printer connected to the device can be used in the Parallels Client session.

☐ The printer cannot be used in the Parallels Client session. (Default)

Connect clipboard

☑ The clipboard of the Parallels Client session can be used. (Default)

☐ The clipboard of the Parallels Client session cannot be used.

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