Menus & Toolbars
Menu path: Sessions > Firefox Browser > Firefox Browser Global > Menus & Toolbars
In this area, you can change the browser’s menus and toolbars.
Hide app menu/menu bar
☑ The button for opening the browser menu will not be shown.
☐ The button for opening the browser menu will be shown. (default)
Use old menu bar
☑ The browser menu will be shown in the menu bar as in earlier browser versions.
☐ The browser menu can be opened via a button. (default)
Hide the Following Items in App Menu/Menu Bar
Hide bookmarks menu
☑ The bookmarks menu will not be shown in the menu bar.
☐ The bookmarks menu will be shown in the menu bar. (default)
Hide tools menu
☑ The “Tools” menu will not be shown.
☐ The “Tools” menu will be shown. (default)
Hide history entry
☑ The button for showing the browser history will not be shown.
☐ The button for showing the browser history will be shown. (default)
Hide tabs toolbar
☑ The tabs will not be shown in the menu bar. The user cannot switch between a number of tabs.
☐ The tabs will be shown in the menu bar. (default)
Hide bookmarks toolbar
☑ The bookmarks toolbar will not be shown. (default)
☐ The bookmarks toolbar will be shown.
Hide sidebar
☑ The sidebar will not be shown.
☐ The sidebar will be shown. The bookmarks can be shown in the sidebar. (default)
Hide navigation toolbar
☑ The navigation bar will not be shown.
☐ The navigation bar will be shown. (default)
Hide the toolbar for searching the page
☑ The search bar will not be shown.
☐ The search bar will be shown. (default)
Toolbar Items
Hide URL input
☑ Only search terms can be entered in the entry field; URLs cannot be entered manually.
☐ Both search terms and URLs can be entered in the entry field. (default)
Hide "Print" button
☑ The button for printing websites will not be shown.
☐ The button for printing websites will be shown. (default)
Hide "Home" button
☑ The Home button will not be shown.
☐ The Home button will be shown. (default)
Hide "Search" input
☑ The search field will not be shown.
☐ The search field will be shown. (default)
Hide “Bookmarks” and “RSS Feed” button
☑ The button for displaying bookmarks and RSS feeds will not be shown.
☐ The button for displaying bookmarks and RSS feeds will be shown. (default)
User customization of toolbars
☑ The user can customize the toolbars. (default)
☐ The user cannot customize the toolbars.
Navigation toolbar: Specifies which symbols are shown in the navigation toolbar. The symbols are given as follows; multiple symbols should be separated by commas “,”:
loop-button |
zoom-controls |
edit-controls |
history-panelmenu |
privatebrowsing-button |
save-page-button |
find-button |
open-file-button |
developer-button |
sidebar-button |
feed-button |
print-button |
characterencoding-button |
social-share-button |
panic-button |
web-apps-button |
new-window-button |
fullscreen-button |
tabview-button |
downloads-button |
Application menu: Specifies which symbols are shown in the application menu. Multiple symbols should be separated by commas “,”.