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Multiple Users with Individual VPNs Sharing One Endpoint

Solution Based on Experience from the Field

This article provides a solution that has not been approved by the IGEL Research and Development department. Therefore, official support cannot be provided by IGEL. Where applicable, test the solution before deploying it to a productive environment.

The trick is that we have to get all the users' OpenVPN config files (.ovpn) named as <username>.ovpn and placed under /wfs

We then have this script  /wfs/openvpn/



  1. Requirements:
  2. - all users' ovpn config file needs to be in /wfs/`
  1. Initialise variables
    declare -a profiles=($(cd /wfs ; ls *ovpn | sed -e 's/\.ovpn//' | tr '\n' ' '))
  1. Loop until a valid profile index is selected
    until [ $answer -ge 0 -a $answer -lt ${count} ]; do
    for((i=0;i<${count};i++)); do
    echo "${i}: ${profiles[${i}]}"
    read -p "Select the number corresponding to your account: " answer
  1. export variable vpnuser in case a child process needs it (probably overkill)
    export vpnuser=${profiles[${answer}]}
  1. Provide a name server only if one is not already installed
    grep -q /etc/resolv.conf || echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
  1. Start the openvpn client
    openvpn --config /wfs/${vpnuser}.ovpn --daemon


(The nameserver bit is required.  It needs to be an internal DNS server, not sure how you'd generalize this)

Next we have a custom application with "Command" as:

pkexec /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal -T VPN --geometry=90x40-0+0 -x /wfs/openvpn/

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