New Features 11.09.100
Updated Citrix Workspace App to version 2307. Available Citrix Workspace Apps in this release: 2307 (default), 2305, and 2010. Added support for playing short tones in optimized Microsoft Teams - requires an update to the latest version of Microsoft Teams.
Changes with Citrix Workspace App 2305 and 2307:
New features:Copy and paste files and folders between two virtual desktops [Technical Preview]
Parameter Copy and paste files and folders between two virtual desktops
Registry ica.module.vdgdt
Value true (default)/ false
Enhancement on 32-bit cursor support [Technical Preview]
Parameter Enhancement on 32-bit cursor support
Registry ica.wfclient.Cursor32bitSupport
Value true (default)/ false
Change the default browser for FIDO2
Parameter Change the default browser for FIDO
Registry ica.authman.fido2authbrowser
Value CEB (default), chromium, firefox, chromium-browser
- Support for authentication using FIDO2 when connecting to on-premises stores [Technical Preview]
Parameter Support for authentication using FIDO2 when connecting to on-premises stores
Registry ica.authman.fido2enabled
Value false (default)/ true
- Fixed:
- App Protection works with all the Citrix session types, including Firefox
browser. Reboot of system after enabling/disabling the feature
(ica.appprotection) is required.
- App Protection works with all the Citrix session types, including Firefox
OSC Installer
- Added possibility to create a minimal (self extracting) factory image with the OSC installer.
- Updated IGEL AVD Client to version 1.1.30.
- Added possibility to use compressed BTRFS for Chromium profile partition. This is enabled by default.
Enhanced registry key system.customization.chpro.fs_type with new option btrfs.
Parameter Chromium Profiles Partition Filesystem Type
Registry system.customization.chpro.fs_type
Range [ext4][f2fs][ntfs][ntfs-3g][btrfs]
Value btrfs
- Added registry key to block the restore popup which is shown if Chromium browser is (re-)started after a crash.
- Added possibility to use compressed BTRFS and ntfs-3g for firefox profile partition.
Enhanced registry key system.customization.chpro.fs_type with new options btrfs and ntfs-3g.
Parameter Firefox Profiles Partition Filesystem Type
Registry system.customization.ffpro.fs_type
Range [ext4][f2fs][ntfs][ntfs-3g][btrfs]
Value ntfs
Added MAC-address passthrough among Ethernet devices. With the following registry key a LAN device can be specified from which the MAC address shall be adopted. The donor device and any conflicting receiver device will be removed (by unbinding the driver) as long as the receiving device is present.
Parameter MAC address source
Registry network.interfaces.ethernet.device%.mac_source
Range [none][LAN][LAN2][LAN3][LAN4]
Value none
- Example: If LAN2 and LAN3 are configurations for docking stations that shall adopt the MAC address from LAN, the following two parameters must be set to
- Added Lenovo FCC unlock tool for Quectel EM05
- Updated NCP Enterprise client to version 6.0 r29368.
OpenConnect VPN
Added further supported protocols for OpenConnect VPN client by adding Fortinet, F5 and Array. OpenConnect VPN is a feature with limited support, and the new protocols are not validated by IGEL.
Setup Network>VPN>OpenConnect VPN>Name>Session
Parameter Protocol
Registry sessions.openconnect<INST>.vpnopts.protocol
Value {**}anyconnect{**}/nc/pulse/gp/f5/fortinet/array
- Updated Imprivata bootstrap loader to version
This version can only be used with G4 Appliance and PIE Agents 7.12 or later!!
IGEL Agent Imprivata
- Added: Computer policy affects showing shutdown and reboot buttons at lock screen.
Added: Query email from standard principal information. The following registry key will override it with an email provided by the App Moniker - if available.
Parameter Query Email from App Moniker
Registry iia.query_moniker
Range bool
Value enabled / disabled
- Added: Reporting IGEL OS version to Imprivata Appliance
- Added: Display user name on 2nd factor query
- Added: Minor UI improvements
- Updated ELO touch driver to version 5.4 for single touch and 4.3 for multitouch.
- Added support for usage or more than one touch screen (without calibration for now).
CUPS Printing
- Updated PrinterLogic PrinterInstallerClient to version The update fixes the determination of AD user if Kerberos login is used.
Cisco JVDI Client
- Integrated Cisco JVDI 14.1.4
Base System
- Updated kernel to version 6.1.42.
Added support for migrating IGEL OS11 to IGEL OS12. Details can be found here: UMS 12.02.120 or later is required.
Migration related parameters:Registry system.upgrade_igelos.ignore_memory_requirement
Value false / true
Hint Force upgrade of the IGEL OS if the device does not meet the minimal hardware requirement regarding RAM. Upgrade is performed on own risk and without official support by IGEL.
Registry system.upgrade_igelos.delete_custom_partition
Value false / true
Hint Automatically delete the existing custom partition while upgrading to the IGEL OS12.
- Changed: If firmware is reset to factory defaults or reinstalled with OSC, the IGEL Setup Assistant starts again.
- Added some additional resolutions to the webcam virtual background solution (see changed registry keys).
- Enables to choose webcams for virtual background by device name and priority.
Added new registry keys:
Changed registry keys
Updated base system to Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.
Enabled Wifi Manager, Multi Monitor configuration and Display Switch to be fully functional also when endpoint is unlicensed.
Updated NVIDIA driver to version 525.
Added ddcutil and ddcui to firmware which are tools to reading and changing monitor settings.
Changed: IGEL Setup Assistant will come up on every boot as long as the system has starter- or no license. Setup Assistant is not triggered anymore if demo- or productive license is deployed and / or device is connected to an UMS.
Changed label of mobile broadband configuration dialogue in IGEL OS setup (Country or Region).
X11 System
Changed default of DRI3 parameter. This is now enabled by default.
Parameter Use DRI
Registry x.drivers.use_dri
Type bool
Value enabled / disabled
Zoom VDI
- Updated Zoom VDI plugin
Available plugins in this release:, and
- Removed GStreamer 0.10 support.
- Changed: Backscrub package is still from Bionic compile. So, rebuilded against current Jammy libs to get rid of old dependencies.
- Added hardware support for LG USB Multi Port Hub.
- Added hardware support for Lenovo ThinkPad L14 (AMD) Gen 4.
- Added hardware support for Lenovo ThinkPad L15 (AMD) Gen 4.
- Added hardware support for Pepperl&Fuchs BTC12N and BTC14N.
- Added hardware support for HP Pro mt440 G3.
- Added hardware support for Lenovo ThinkPad L14 Intel Gen 4.
- Added hardware support for Lenovo ThinkPad L15 Intel Gen 4.
- Updated Java runtime environment to Zulu JRE version 17.0.8-1.
Remote Management
- Added: Transfer devices serial number to UMS on first boot of device.
- If requirements for upgrading to IGEL OS12 are fulfilled, the field OS Type in UMS is extended by the OS12 Upgrade Ready attribute - e.g. IGEL Linux 11
(OS12 Upgrade Ready; Kernel Version 6.1.42)