NoMachine NX Client Services
Here, you can enable or disable services for printers and audio playback on your thin client.
Menu path: Setup > Sessions > NoMachine NX Client > [Session Name] > Services
Enable multimedia support
You will find further information regarding audio playback on the Nomachine NX client in the NoMachine Knowledge Base.
☑ Audio output is forwarded to the media player via esound.
☐ A dedicated channel is used for audio output. (default)
Enable CUPS printing
☑ Printing via the thin client is enabled. (default)
☐ Printing via the thin client is disabled.
Port: Port via which CUPS can be configured with a browser (default: 631)
Public printer
☑ The printer connected to the thin client is shared via the network. A server-side configuration is required for this purpose.
☐ The printer is not shared. (default)