Menu path: Setup > Sessions > ThinLinc > ThinLinc Global > Options
You can change various settings and enable local directories.
Enable sound
☑ Audio output will be forwarded from the server to the device. The audio data can then be played back via the built-in loudspeaker or the headset.
☐ Audio output will not be forwarded to the device. (Default)
Redirect serial port
☑ The serial port data will be forwarded from the device to the server. The serial port can be used in the ThinLinc session.
☐ The serial port data will not be forwarded to the server. (Default)
Enable printer
☑ The local printer can be used in the ThinLinc session. (Default)
☐ The local printer cannot be used in the ThinLinc session.
Enable smartcard readers
☑ The server has access to the device’s local smartcard reader.
☐ The server does not have access to the local smartcard reader. (Default)
Enable drive access
☑ The server has access to local directories. These directories can be selected in the Exported Paths and Permissions area.
☐ The server does not have access to local directories. (Default)
Exported Paths and Permissions
To edit the list, proceed as follows:
Click on
to create a new entry.
Click on
to remove the selected entry.
Click on
to edit the selected entry.
Click on
to copy the selected entry.
To select a local directory for server-side access, proceed as follows:
Click on
In the Path field, enter the local directory path. Example:
Select the Permission that the server is to have for the directory.
Read only: The server has read rights for the directory but no write rights.
Read/write: The server has read and write rights for the directory.
Disabled: The server has no read rights and no write rights for the directory.
If you set a directory to “Disabled”, ensure that it is not a sub-directory of a directory for which the server has read or write rights.Click on Ok.